5 Best Healthy New Year Activities

5 Best Healthy New Year Activities

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Tired of the same old New Year’s Eve parties year after year? Perhaps jam-packed bars and overpriced cocktails were never your thing to begin with anyway? While one of the greatest things about the new year is that it’s a fresh start, it doesn’t necessarily have to involve alcohol or a late night out to be noteworthy. Start the year as you mean to go on – clear-headed and motivated to get ahead. This is a great time to reflect on how far you’ve come, plan healthy new year activities, and also look forward to what you will accomplish next.

Family healthy new year activities

There are few better ways to ring in the new year than on a healthy note. If you’re looking for something to do with friends and family, these healthy alternatives will give you an exciting start to the year!

Plan a Cozy New Year’s Day Meal

What better way to spend New Year’s Day than in the company of your loved ones. Nothing says ‘you matter’ more than providing a lovingly home-cooked meal for those that you care about.

Eating a healthy and nutritious meal this new year can help you feel and perform your best. Why not start the year off right?

healthy new year food

Try out that new recipe that you never dared to before. Stretch your culinary skills beyond their regular bounds and surprise yourself with unique and nutritious meal options. Start the new year by choosing to eat healthily and continue on as you mean to. You can learn to eat healthy and also still enjoy yourself. Good food and restriction are not synonymous. Food can still be healthy, but fun! Consistent implementation of good practices will ensure you have a good year ahead.

In fact, this is top of the list of many New Year’s resolutions. It’s important to take care of yourself whilst also still enjoying life. Incorporating healthy new year activities can be a gradual process. Baby steps add up over time – don’t be afraid to start small. There are no rules, you can embrace healthy new year activities at a pace that works for you.

Realistic goals

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be a chore. Set realistic goals for the new year. Did you know that incorporating just a handful of extra veggies at every meal will stave off cravings and ultimately lead to a smaller waistline?

On New Year’s Eve, Mexican tradition dictates eating 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight and making a wish upon each one. What better way to start off the new year than with fruit and wish-making?

Have a Vision Board Party

Create a healthy fulfilling life in 2022 by laying out clear all your dreams and aspirations. A vision board party is a goal-setting gathering between you and your friends.

Simply gather a few old magazines and begin to cut out pictures that resonate with your future you. Create a collage of your goals and desires and leave it in a place you will see every day. This helps the subconscious mind to focus on attaining the very things you seek.

healthy new year activities

You can choose to meditate over your new desires or even create a new daily planner of activities to help keep your healthy New Year’s resolutions and activities on track. As you wait for the ball drop, you can completely focus mentally on bringing your future goals to fruition.

In Mexico, you can even take it one step further by burning any negative energy that surrounds your life. This is done by compiling a list of all the things that are currently not going right for you and subsequently burning it. It is said that by purifying the negative energy you create the energetic space for new and better things to appear.

Host a Board Game Evening

Fancy a cozy evening at home, but not sure what exactly to do? Gather up those board games and settle down for an evening of fun and enjoyment.

New Year’s Eve is typically a time for family and friends. Studies have shown that strong familial ties lead to longer and healthier lives. One of the best ways of bonding is to participate in mutually enjoyable activities.

new year eve with friends

Board games may feel a little old school, but nothing beats the thrill of beating that family member hands down. Just try not to let the competition get out of hand – the objective is to still be on speaking terms as the clock strikes midnight.

Accompanying these healthy new year activities with an enticing range of mocktails never goes down a miss. Who says you need alcohol to celebrate special occasions? Choose from an array of online recipes to keep even the most selective of palates captivated. For those that prefer a more wintery vibe, hot chocolate and marshmallows are always a winner!


Let’s face it, entertaining on New Year’s Eve is no easy task when there is a large group involved. Why not make life easy for yourself and suggest a potluck? Do you really want to spend hours slaving away in the kitchen and missing out on most of the fun?


Potlucks are a fantastic way of keeping the cost of entertaining down whilst also allowing your guests the option of choosing what they want to have. It allows everyone at the party to enjoy healthy new year activities without the dreaded next-day guilt that overindulgence often brings.

Potluck with friends

Suggest that people bring either a dish or something to drink. A bowl of non-alcoholic punch is always a good choice. Those with special dietary requirements can bring what suits them and you get to spend less time in the kitchen. Win-Win! What’s not to like about that?


Hardly original, but it’s understandable why exercise is usually top of the list for most people’s healthy new year activities. If you overindulged this festive season and are struggling to do up those jeans, this will probably make your list too. Rest assured you’re not alone!

Why not follow in New York City’s footsteps and set out on a midnight run with the family in tow? Starting off on the right foot (pun intended) will not only make you feel good, but also create the motivational effect needed to establish a regular routine.

New years eve run

Resist the urge to resist winter too much this season. Turn off your TV an hour before bed and try some yoga or gentle stretching. They say that exercise can make you happier, healthier, and more patient.


So, however, you choose to spend your new year, you won’t be short of ideas or things to do. With family and good friends, a great time is always guaranteed!


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