Do you need a Wedding Photographer

Do you need a Wedding Photographer?

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Depending on your wedding budget, you may find that you have to cut some corners in order to save money.  While some of the wallet-friendly options may look (or sound, or taste!) just as good as their more expensive counterparts, your wedding photography is not a good place to cut corners.  It may be tempting to hire a friend of a friend who dabbles in photography, but if you really want your wedding photos to capture the magical essence of your special day, going with a professional photographer will be more than worth the extra money you might spend.  The following are some of the most common issues that can come up with your wedding photography, and ideas to help you avoid them:   

Choosing the Wrong Photographer

Although one of the marks of a talented photographer is his or her ability to take a wide variety of shots that range in style, you shouldn’t immediately book someone just because their portfolio has a little of everything in it.  Your wedding photographer should really understand your personal style as well as the theme and vibe of your nuptials.  Someone with a nature-driven point of view will be perfect for a wedding taking place in the outdoors where the flora and fauna in the setting should be highlighted.  However, someone with a bit more dramatic flair would be a great choice for an evening wedding held in a glamorous ballroom.  Consider the type of atmosphere and energy your wedding will have and decide on a photographer accordingly.  

Failing to Communicate Your Wishes

Even if you think you have found your ideal wedding photographer based on the photos in their portfolio, website, blog, etc, booking them for the wedding day isn’t the only thing you need to do.  He or she may have example photos that capture the very things that matter to you, which may lead you to believe that they will provide you with the exact same style of photography.  Most good photographers will ask you to provide a shot list that spells out exactly what you are looking for in your wedding photos, and it is an essential tool in getting what you really want.  No matter how talented a photographer is, he or she is not a mind reader and you cannot assume that he or she will automatically know what shots are important to you.  Be as specific as you’d like in your list, and feel free to add some examples of what your ideal shots will be.  

Choosing the Wrong Photographer


Forgetting to Ask Guests to Unplug

In today’s world, having guests show up to your wedding without their cell phones is almost unheard of as they have become such an important part of our modern lives.  Not only can the sound of a ringing cell phone or the ding of an incoming message be rude and distracting, more and more people use their cell phones to capture the moment with their built-in cameras.  This not only looks bad and gives you no control over what photos people see of your wedding if they happen to post them to social media, it also means your guests are not focusing on your heartfelt vows and other important moments during your ceremony.  However, you can take control of the situation by asking guests to shut off their ringers and refrain from using their phone during the wedding.  Some couples even ask that guests leave their phones behind altogether.  


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