Buddy-moons at Garza Blanca

Honeymoon Mistakes you Should Avoid

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Every couple gets excited about their honeymoon; this is a trip that is supposed to be 110% romance and joy, and it offers a much needed chance to decompress after the stress and chaos that comes with planning a wedding. If you don’t plan your honeymoon well, however, your first vacation together as a married couple might leave a sour taste in your mouth.

Take a look at the most common honeymoon mistakes that people make, and learn from them before you plan your own:

Planning very little down time

A packed schedule during a sightseeing vacation in a strange place can be exciting, but it can also be really, really stressful so make sure to take time to balance activities and downtime so you can bond and have fun. A common honeymoon mistake is that couples have planned so much that they are exhausted.


Unless you want to get busy starting a family straight away—which some people do—make sure you plan ahead and bring your preferred method of contraceptive. This way you can rest easy and enjoy your time as newlyweds before you become parents.


Cheap Flights

A common honeymoon mistake is to try and save money by booking cheap flights. You may not be able to fly first class, but if you go too far the other way you may end up miserable. Flying discount can be more trouble than it’s worth, and flights with multiple connections may get you there stressed and frazzled (assuming none of them are delayed). Balance economy and comfort for the best result. A little extra cost for smooth flying is not so much trouble, in the long run.

Cheap hotels

Make sure you book a room that you’ll be happy to spend time in, and tell the hotel that you’re on honeymoon; many resorts will have special treats for honeymooners. It’s worth spending a little more on your honeymoon… after all you only get one!


No time between your wedding and your flight

This is an arrangement that has been idealized: leaving right after your reception to go to the airport by limo is an arrangement that has many small details in need of consideration. For example, where will you keep your luggage during the wedding? Who will take your wedding presents home, and when will you change from your wedding attire without having to travel in it?

Above and beyond all this, a wedding is a huge event and a long day that can be really exhausting; hopping straight on a plane may be the last thing that you want to do when it’s over! Why not give yourself a day or two to wind down?


While buddy-moons are becoming more popular, luckily, taking your friends with you is not—yet— a common honeymoon mistake, but one to bear in mind. Going on vacation with your loved ones can be a wonderful experience, but your honeymoon should be just for the two of you. Even if you have kids, it can be really lovely to get away by yourself for even a few days. Give yourself that gift, and make this the time of your life!


Two young people having fun dancing on the beach in sunset

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