Wedding Planner Puerto Vallarta

Wedding Planner or Do it Yourself?

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Wedding Planner or Do it Yourself?

One of the first questions you may want to ask yourself and your partner is whether or not to contract a wedding planner to help you with your nuptial plans. Obviously, how necessary it is that you have a wedding planner will depend on the kind, size, location, budget and complexity of your big day.

Do it Yourself

If the budget for your wedding is limited, the decision to do everything yourself is very tempting and perhaps necessary. Many people prefer to invite another 20 guests than to pay the fees of a wedding planner. In those cases, it is recommended that you give yourself plenty of time before your wedding to undertake all the arrangement that you will need.

You will also find it helpful to have a team of friends and family to help you; planning a wedding with a full time job is simply too much for one person to do by themselves. You will also want to consider having your reception in a hotel or in some venue where there is someone in charge of organizing the times and movement of the wedding itinerary, as once you are in the throws of your big day you won’t be able to remember what time the speeches were supposed to be or if you have cut the cake yet.

Half and Half

A compromise to a “do it yourself” wedding is to employ a wedding planner for the day of the ceremony only. That means that you carry out all the planning and bargaining, sort out the flowers, DJ, bands and so on, yet on the actual day of the wedding, you hand over the delivery of the day to a wedding planner. They will then orchestrate the photographer, cocktail and bouquet throwing according to your prearranged instructions. This takes the pressure off you (and your mother and mother-in-law) so that everyone can relax and simply enjoy the wonderful day.

Wedding Planner

The beauty of having a wedding planner is that you benefit from their expertise and can let your imagination go wild. They have so many weddings under their belt that they can mix and match ideas from previous weddings with your unique necessities and tastes. What might take you a month to sort out, they could do in a day.

Wedding planners are also able to get good deals and discounts for the elements that you need to rent and purchase as they have arrangements with wedding suppliers that you would not be able to benefit from were you to arrange your wedding yourself.

If you have the budget to employ a wedding planner, it takes the stress out of your day and makes the planning all the more enjoyable as it is they who will be calling around all the florists in the city and comparing prices and colors.

The key to getting married and fully enjoying your wedding day is to be completely relaxed, and with a wedding planner you can be sure that all you have to do is turn up, look beautiful and say “I do.”

If  you are looking for a wedding planner, we recommend our own coordinator:


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