Tying the Knot

Tying the Knot

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Tying the Knot


So, you have decided to get married and the excitement of his (or her) proposal has sent you into a gooey mush of excitement, love and emotion. You can’t wait to tell you friends, and perhaps he has already asked your dad for your hand in marriage.

Whatever your circumstances, this moment is probably one of the happiest of your life so far. Enjoy it! Savor the moment as much as possible before diving into the organizational labyrinth of wedding plans, fittings, lists, rings and tastings.

What to do first

The first thing to do is to take some time to enjoy and celebrate the pending commitment because once you get into the logistics of wedding planning, the reality of making the wedding happen is somewhat different to the dream.

Then sit and think very carefully about what is important to the both of you. What will be the essential components of your wedding? One of the initial issues to broach is how big you are expecting your special day to be, and therefore what is the budget you have set aside. Now you might want to consider what support you may receive from parents and godparents and project your plans accordingly.

Once you have decided on the headcount, the hard task of who those guests will be begins. The best advice is to make a huge list of everyone you would like to include in your fantasy wedding, and then start whittling away to conform to you reality wedding. You might want to start forming a reserve list too.

Where you will have your wedding is also a big decision. Will you get married abroad? In your home town? In his hometown? Up a mountain? On the beach? On a lake? On a cruise ship? Do you want a religious ceremony in a sacred building like a church, synagogue or mosque? There are so many questions to consider, although by this stage you probably already have a good idea of where.

Then there are the arrangements for the kind of food you will serve, which will also depend on the time of day that you plan to have your wedding, whether you are serving a lunch menu or evening meal, or both. You will want to think about who will cater your wedding: A hotel? A personal catering service? Your aunt Judy? With so many different dining options today, choosing your menu might be a deliciously difficult task, especially if you attend tastings.

The evening celebrations will also be something you have to consider, thinking about entertainment, bands, DJ, sound systems, lighting and so forth. How and who will you decorate the venue? Will you have an open bar? Will you serve champagne?

Finally, the aesthetics of your nuptial celebrations are probably the most exciting and enjoyable part of planning a wedding. You get to choose your flowers, the dress, the bridesmaids and maids of honors’ dresses, the color scheme and so on. Perhaps the best place to start is by choosing a color scheme and then the rest will simply fall into place.

With so many different aspect of planning a wedding, it is worth forming a list of all the decisions you have to make to ensure that your day is as special as the love you are going to celebrate.

Check out the list below and see if there is anything you have missed!


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