Is December a Good Time to Visit Los Cabos

Best Time to Travel to Los Cabos

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When we think of paradise, we all have different images and settings for what paradise can be. Just like paradise, Los Cabos offers delights, spectacles, and wonders in every season of the year that can be your perfect chance to experience your definition of paradise on earth. With tropical weather all year round that supports the flora and fauna of this breathtaking destination at the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula, every time of the year is the best time to travel to Los Cabos. Let’s dive into the seasons and why all of them are the best time to travel to paradise.

Fall Vacations in Cabo

With hurricane and rainy season dying down at the end of September, water temperatures at their highest, and average high temperatures of 85°F, you will be able to enjoy the best that Cabo San Lucas weather allows in activities and sports. From early October you can enjoy the clearest waters in Los Cabos for your snorkeling or scuba dive sessions. Along with internationally recognized fishing tournaments such as the Los Cabos Billfish Tournament which can net you a whopping $850,000 for biggest catch, but be ready to compete with the best anglers from around the world.

Fall: The best time to travel to Los Cabos

From enjoying the quality swimming facilities in your resort with your family, to adventuring out on a paddle board to admire the amazing “El Arco De Cabo San Lucas” and its nearby fascinating rock formations. Fall is one of the best times to travel to Los Cabos as you can still avail of great deals being in the shoulder season. From the end of October to the start of November, make sure to check out local celebrations and Mexican traditions for the Day of the Dead, one of Mexico’s most celebrated festivals and also head to San Jose Del Cabo for Restaurant Week that occurs every year around mid-October.

Winter in Los Cabos

With constant clear skies, little precipitation, and with average high temperatures of 80°F, it is no wonder that this is the busiest time to visit Cabo. Like any destination, high season brings along big crowds, which raises the prices, so if you plan to visit during this time make sure to plan in advance and get your deal before your neighbor does. I’m sure they also want to escape the early morning frost.

Winter: The best time to travel to Los Cabos

Just like thousands of people who escape the cold up north for warmer Mexico, so do the majestic humpback and grey whales who migrate to Cabo to mate and give birth. What does this mean for you? That no matter where along the coast you may be, winter is the best time to travel to Los Cabos to admire one of Mexico’s best natural spectacles of whale watching and seeing these giants breach the ocean majestically.


If you visit during this time, make sure to take a trip up north of Cabo to the picturesque town of Todos Santos for the internationally recognized Arts Festival that takes place in February.

Spring Break in Cabo

For some, this is the best time to travel to Los Cabos due to the pleasant and comfortable weather, with average highs of 84°F, the fewest rainy days, and minimal humidity. Los Cabos has become a favorite for spring breakers who want to unwind from studies and party. While you should expect big crowds, they tend to concentrate in a few specific resorts and nightclubs in Cabo San Lucas, so you will still find quiet spots to unwind without crowds, especially in San Jose Del Cabo.


Festival de San José, Patron Saint of San Jose del Cabo, a two-week cultural event culminating on the 19th of March every year, will allow you to indulge in some traditional Mexican carnivals and parades. While there you can also take part in the Art Walk that occurs every Thursday, where dozens of art galleries stay open until 9:00 pm and you can admire some Mexican and International masterpieces, while talking to the artists with your fine glass of wine. And yes, it is a free event and you will mingle with other tourists and locals.

Summer Getaway in Los Cabos

Are you a bargain hunter? Then you got your deal during this season. With fewer crowds and prices at their lowest, this is the best time to travel to Los Cabos and treat yourself to that luxurious ocean view room where you can admire where the Sea of Cortez meets with the beautiful Pacific Ocean. Just be ready for warm weather, with high temperatures averaging 91°F, which bring along some rainy days.

Summer: the best time to travel to Los Cabos

This is a great time for families to visit Cabo San Lucas due to spring break crowds being gone and just before September which is the rainiest month and there are more chances of hurricanes then, even though hurricanes are rare to land on the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula, and usually end up as tropical storms. Even then, you are sure to have a great time in your exclusive resort with world-class amenities while you wait for the storm to pass by. This weather also makes it the best time to visit Los Cabos should you be a surfer.

With higher rainfall, the vegetation surrounding Los Cabos grows lush and green during the summer months, giving you incredible displays. While you may not see the majestic whales during summer, you can equally admire the olive ridley sea turtles that lay their eggs on the beach. Numerous resorts sponsor sea turtle protection and visitors can participate in releasing baby sea turtles to sea.

The Time is Now


For you, the best time to travel to Los Cabos may depend on the activities you can undertake and the weather which you seek. But let me tell you, the time is now. Book your trip, plan your itinerary, but be sure to take action and plan your trip now as Los Cabos will give you experiences and memories that will surpass any expectation you have. And when you live Cabo, you will see that the best time to travel to Los Cabos is all year round.


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