
6 Tips for Packing Light

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Although vacations to hot climates such as Puerto Vallarta tend to be easier to pack lighter, here are some tips to consider to ensure you don’t have to pay for excess luggage or put your back out getting the suitcase down your stairs.

Limit Yourself to One Suitcase

Limit yourself from the onset to one suitcase, with the intention of fitting everything into one bag, using your carry-on luggage allowance as essential overflow and for small things you may need on the plane. The benefit of packing light on the way to your destination is that you can take advantage of the carry-on allowance on the way back when you have bought souvenirs (and a bottle of tequila).

If in Doubt, Leave it Behind

If you are unsure whether to pack something or not, the best advice is to leave it behind. Chances are you won’t need it, and if you do, you are sure to be able to buy it at your destination. Unless you are on safari in Africa, you can buy most things you need on vacation. However, no matter where you travel, medication and allergy creams should always be packed as you cannot be sure you will find the specific brands or  you need.


Make a List of Essentials

Making a list of the essential items that you need to take with you on vacation is a good starting place and will help you determine what you really need. Start with the basics and try to avoid adding once your suitcase is packed. Leave extra space for bringing home gifts and other items you may wish to buy.

Choose Color Schemes

Pack clothes that combine with one or two color schemes will help greatly being able to mix and match. If you can bring one scarf or sweater that combines with most of your clothes in case it gets a little cool at night, then you will save on space, the same goes with shoes and purses. Bring one or two pairs of shoes and sandals that combine with most of your clothes. Limiting the number of shoes you pack will save you a lot of space in your suitcase.


Downsize Toiletries

Buying travel size toiletries will help you pack light. You can always purchase shampoo and creams when you arrive, so pack just enough to see you through the first few days. Ladies, you don’t need to take all of your make-up either, just decide on the essential items as a tan will give you a boost without make-up.

Pack Tight and Flat

Being strategic about your packing can also help you pack lighter. Flat and tight packing makes for more space. Think about using the space in the toes of shoes by tucking socks into the foot, which has the added bonus of stopping shoes from getting out of shape and squashed. Fold your clothing neatly, leaving deeper spaces for toiletries and bulky items and lay clothes like pants and dresses as flat as you can across the length of the suitcase to reduce creasing.



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